Put some clothes on for pete sakes: Rather than turning up your heater, put an extra layer on, or snuggle up under a blanket. Hot drinks such as tea will also help you warm up (try to use a microwave more than an oven as much more heat will be saved). You’ll appreciate it the next time your gas bill comes.
Birds need water too: It’s hard for our little flying friends to find sources of drinking water during the cold months. When all the water is frozen, take a few minutes to break the ice in your bird baths, or put out a fresh bowl of water. You may make some pretty “fly” new neighbors.
Your first name doesn’t have to be ‘Robert’ to plant: If the ground isn’t too hard from frost, you can plant your seeds early to see a beautiful garden of color by spring time. Butterflies, bees and hummingbirds will thank you.
Walking is so hot right now: Ditch the car and take a hike! Walking your kids to school, or with neighbors in your area will help you do your part in cutting gas fumes and emissions. Who doesn’t love some fresh air?!
Whatever you plan to do in 2011, make a few steps to become more aware of the environment and lead a happier, healthier life.
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