Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Social Media: What Influence Does It Have in Our Everyday Decisions?

Facebook is going public. According to some estimates it will be worth over 100 billion dollars. Everywhere you turn, pundits claim that social media is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in our lives nowadays. We know that it allows us to connect with strangers, speak our minds, access information—the list goes on and on.

In this TED talk (below), Clay Shirky argues that social media allows us to be our own producers, directors, and editors, developing content for our own audiences without the constraints of powerful “higher ups.” It sounds pretty compelling! But how crucial is it really?

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject:

1. What is the importance of social media in your everyday life?
2. In general, what role does it play when you decide to purchase  products or services?
3. How does it influence you when deciding to buy a garment?

Share your ideas, we look forward to hearing from you!

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